Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Upgrade in SharePoint 2010 for a Standalone server and Server farm

Visual Upgrade in SharePoint 2010 for a standalone server and server farm options differ when you do perform in-place upgrade,

1) If its an in-place upgrade for a Standalone Server, the SharePoint Products Configuration wizard doesn't provide the visual upgrade feature. you can avail of this feature only using Psconfig command-line tool to perform the upgrade.

psconfig.exe -cmd upgrade [-preserveolduserexperience ]

2) If its for a Server Farm, you can activate a visual upgrade option by using the visual upgrade page of the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration Toolkit v2.0

The Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Administration Toolkit contains functionality to help administer and manage Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2010 and Microsoft® SharePoint® Server 2010.

Link to Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration Toolkit v2.0

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SharePoint 2010 VHD

Wondering what to do with SharePoint installation and setting up,
here is link to the SharePoint 2010 VHD

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hiding System/Application Pages in SharePoint for Anonymous Users

In Publishing Sites for anonymous audiences you may have comes across the interesting artifact of Forms pages being visible to anonymous users. An example of this might be a site which allows anonymous access to the Entire Site, anonymous users will be able to navigate (and may get redirected to) URLs like http://domain/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx, or http://domain/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx. AllItems.aspx could really be any view on the list.

There's actually an out of the box feature that ships with MOSS. It's called the "ViewFormPagesLockdown" feature and it's already installed, it just needs to be activated.

To activate the feature you need to use the STSADM utility like below:
stsadm.exe –o activatefeature –url [Site Collection URL] -filename ViewFormPagesLockdown\feature.xml

To deactivate run:
stsadm.exe –o deactivatefeature –url [Site Collection URL] -filename ViewFormPagesLockdown\feature.xml

What Does ViewFormPagesLockdown Actually Do?

There's no real easy way to say hide AllItems.aspx or similar views from users if you're running anonymous access on your site. These users run under the Limited Access privilege set, a default set of permissions that you can't change through the UI, which is why we have this Lockdown feature to assist you.
When you activate this feature you change the permissions of the Limited Access privilege group removing the following permissions: View Application Pages (List permission), and Use Remote Interfaces (Site permission). Here's a table of what that privilege set looks like before and after running the lock down feature. It's from the Microsoft article.
Limited access — default
Limited access — lockdown mode
List permissions: View Application Pages
Site permissions: Browse User Information
Site permissions: Use Remote Interfaces
Site permissions: Use Client Integration Features
Site permissions: Open

If you have any questions let me know.
